TITLE: Forged Faces
Forged Faces is a series honoring the American Steelworker. These photographs captured directly after a 12 hour shift compile a series that highlights the men and women, young and old, who are still doing the hard work that often goes unseen to support US Industry. Taken at a forge shop, Finkl Steel, in Chicago, Illinois with an over 100 year history in the forging industry. Surprisingly, the individuals range from a Vietnam veteran who started working as soon as he was discharged from the Army in 1968 and still works there today, to fathers and sons, immigrants, husbands and wives, and even third-generation brothers. Forged Faces is an homage to all blue-collar workers in the US, who in a time today of AI and technology, almost seem like they are from a different world now. It asks the question, "Who is going to fill their shoes?"
AUTHOR: Archie Smith III (United States)
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