Every year in spring, the bull riders embark on a wild tour
in the country towns of New Zealand's South Island.
One is Rangiora, near Christchurch.
A grueling spectacle for animals and humans alike.
This is my perspective.
AUTHOR: bernhard moosbauer (Germany)
10/91 - 01/97_Studied communication design with a focus on photography at the University of Applied Sciences in Würzburg
with Prof. Hermann Stamm, Prof. Erwin Griesel, Wolfgang Vollmer
Degree: Diploma from the University of Applied Sciences
10/97 - 07/01_Studied photography with Prof. Timm Rautert at the Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig; degree: university diploma
2001 - now_freelance photographer in Berlin / various stays abroad
07/10 - now_freelance photographer and art director for BMW AG in Munich
04/11 - now_freelance photographer for the Nordic Embassies in Berlin
01/17 - now_freelance photographer for Vostura management consultancy
06/14 - 12/17_Co-founder of Weeklys - magazine for reportages
01/11 - 07/15_Co-founder and operator of the Pavlov-s Dog photo gallery in Berlin Mitte
Own photo exhibitions, event photography, exhibition photography
01/11 - 07/12_Design and photography consultant for the graduating class of the Axel Springer Academy in Berlin
01/97 - 10/97_Photo assistant at Keresctez photo studio in Nuremberg
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