TITLE: The poetics of childhood
The concept of the series is expressed in a mental journey through intimate visions of private life showing how often stories that worth to be told are very close to us. The poetics of childhood: boundless sensuality, confidence and a huge need for love, perhaps more than in any other period of life.
AUTHOR: Marina Kazakova (Italy)
I was born in Soviet Union and have never lived in one place for more than 5 years. Frequent changes of residence, the republic of the Soviet Union, Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia and finally Italy. I studied journalism at Moscow University.
I have four children of different ages and two grandchild. For the most part, they inspire me, do not give to sit up. The way they live, filling my days, considering what they feel and what they think, all gave rise to the poetic series of photographs about childhood, adolescence and youth.
1st place (portrait category) "B&W Child Photo Competition" 2015, Second Half .
1st place Portfolio review FFE Festival Fotografico Europeo (Italy) 2017.
2nd place "Best Family Photo" (Russia) 2017.
2nd place (children category), 2nd place (fine-art category) Honorable Mention (children category) Tokyo International Foto Awards TIFA 2017.
2nd place , 3d place, Honorable Mention (portrait category) "Fondo internazionale per la Fotografia Italia" FIIPA Awards 2018.
2nd place (portrait category) Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris (PX3) 2018.
2 Honorable Mention (fine-art category) Honorable Mention (portrait category) "B&W Child Photo Competition" (first half) 2018.
1st place (portrait category) at the "ImagOrbetello" 2018 Photo festival (Italy).
Group exhibition "BiFoto" Festival Internazionale della Fotografia in Sardegna, Mogoro (Italy) 2017.
Group exhibition of all the finalist of the 2017 edition "PeterFotoFest", Saint Petersburg (Russia) 2017.
Group exhibition of all winners of the 2017 edition "Best Family Photo", Moscow (Russia).
Solo exhibition of Festival Fotografico Europeo FFE, Busto Arsizio (Italy) 2018.
Group exhibition of all winners the of the 2017 edition Tokyo International Foto Awards TIFA, Tokyo (Japan) 2018.
Group exhibition of all winners of the 2017 edition Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris (PX3), Paris (France) 2018.
Group exhibition of all the finalist of the 2018 edition "PhotoVisa" Festival, Krasnodar (Russia)2018.
Group exhibition of all the finalist of the 2018 edition "Imago Catullo" photo festival, Sermione (Italy) 2019.
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