TITLE: "La Partigiana"
La storia delle donne nella resistenza Italiana rappresenta una componente fondamentale per il movimento partigiano nella lotta contro il nazifascismo. Esse lottarono per riconquistare la libertà e la giustizia del proprio paese ricoprendo funzioni di primaria importanza...
Un ringraziamento a tutti i rievocatori che hanno partecipato a "La storia nella fortezza 2017".
model: Irene Pavot
ph: Sergio Rampoldi
The story of women in the Italian resistance is a fundamental part of the partisan movement in the struggle against Nazi-fascism. They fought to regain the freedom and justice of their own country by occupying primary functions ...
A thank you to all the revelators who participated in "History in Fortress 2017".
Model: Irene Pavot
Ph: Sergio Rampoldi
AUTHOR: Sergio Rampoldi (Italy)
I was born in Milan on 18 February 1964, after attending electronic studios and working in a specialized craft company, I realize that times require computer use, so I go back to school desks when the Pcos operating system Gives way to Dos, studying both and using Basic as a language as a Software Programmer.
I have several experiences in the field of mechanics and electronics, until 1993 the great turning point, enthusiast of photography meeting Mario Govino with whom I created the Govino Mario Rampoldi Sergio & C. Snc better known as Studio GR We open a photography shop with minilab for the Printing in 1h in Bareggio, where print quality is at the heart of our philosophy. The results are short of arriving, some specimens come to the hands of an international photographer, who asks us to equip us for printing from 6x6 negative with the promise to print all his work. So our collaboration with Giovanni Chiaramonte began.
Many affirmative photographers went through the years and, continuing to see their work, they created a particular vision of reality in me; With the ability to put into practice what I felt in, applying ideas to the works that were presented, Still-Life, Sport, Portrait, Architecture and Wedding Photography.
In 2001 Agfa commissioned us prints that were exhibited at Photoshow
In 2002, we opened a professional printing workshop in Milan, where great names of photographs converged to print images for their exhibitions.
In 2005, of the company, was dissolved.
It was impossible to continue! The photo shoot was bound only on weekends during the Weddings.
In order for the lab to be number one, they had become printers rather than photographers.
In June, return to Bareggio; With the opening of the SaMa photo I was able to dedicate myself to the photographic shooting specializing in Portrait and Wedding Photography
October 2007; The difficult decision to close the shop in Bareggio and continue working on the Web
In recent years I have continued in photographic research by setting up a sharing studio with Grittini Ornella, a great photographer but above all a friend. Together we hold basic, advanced and workshop photography courses, collaborating also for several jobs.
Photography photography services have led me to the field of fashion, fashion and glamor. All this experience gained in managing the lights, the model, the poses ... the port often within the Matrimonial Photographic Service, giving it the much appreciated fashion touch today.
In 2014 I participate in MIFA (Moscow International Photo Awards) receiving an honorary mention for the photo "Tzunami"
And so ... I'm over 23 years working in the photographic field!
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