TITLE: The children of Laos
I spent one month in Lao. I discover in this beautiful country amazing landscapes, rich history, but above all about nice and lovely people ! Laos is rural, Laos is brutal, but Laos is also young and pure. The Lao's middle-aged is 22 years old ! I was very impressive by this youth, by the permanent smiles, by the energy ready to explode. That's why i made this photos. Lao's children don't have money, just happiness to share.
AUTHOR: Vincent Guionet (France)
First at all, i'm a brand new photograph ! After ten years in communication, i want to explore other issues and make this beautiful art my way of life. Friends, nature and rugby could be a brief summary of my person. I know that i have to walk all around the world, discover others atmospheres, try to catch realities, meet everybody who want to share and enjoy the day. I hope this dream will soon become true.
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