TITLE: A Tall Order
In the depths of the 2020 lockdown I wandered lonely in the streets of London capturing it's architectural prowess, whilst debating whether the metropolis would come alive again.
AUTHOR: Ian Hunter (United Kingdom)
I am an architectural photographer. Picked up a camera when I was 6 years old, and have never put it down!
We are living in unprecedented times, and during my work, I have managed to document the effects on the Covid-19 lock down in London. The iconic landmarks of this city are usually bristling with people and life.
London in recent months has become a shell of it's former self, and I have managed to document it.
I have used tone manipulation mainly in this body of work. Most of images I have submitted have not been manipulated, and I preferred to wait for a moment rather than use the clone tool.
I hope you enjoy my images, and I am looking forward to London returning to a state of normality soon.
Be safe.
Ian Hunter
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