TITLE: Materialization of Sensual Ideas
The series 'Materialization of Sensual Ideas' is dedicated to timeless and spaceless ideas of sensual corporeal beauty, which take on countless incarnations in the creative act of contact between light and forms, when the photographic process is likened to the creation of a sculpture that embodies an immaterial thought in stone. In this series, materialization is carried out in a very real sense, as the final images are formed with paint on the surface of the paper using the manual oil printing technique.
AUTHOR: Pablo Fanque (Russian Federation)
Pablo Fanque's Fair is the project in the field of visual arts based on photography that combines historical and contemporary techniques in aspiration to present in images a beauty that is physically tangible. Motive force of Pablo Fanque's Fair is the wish to penetrate in magical realism of surrounding reality instead of meaningless routine. The project's creativity is inspired by the highest meanings of life: Beauty, Love and Peace... Peace is the virtue of civilization, make love, not war!
The project Pablo Fanque's Fair was founded at the end of 2019 - beginning of 2020.
Winner of photo contests (IPA 2021, First Place (Analog / Film, Portrait); Budapest International Foto Awards 2021 - Silver Winner (Fine Art-Nudes); 3rd Place Award in Nude Category in 5th edition of MonoVisions Photography Awards), Analog Sparks 2023 - Silver Winner (Fine Art / Erotism) and participant of exhibitions (Trieste Photo Days festival 2021 (Italy); "Regeneration” (August 2021), "Time” (August 2022), "Art of Illusion” (January 2023), "Film Friends" (November 2023) and others by Analog Forever Magazine, "2/22/22 Exhibition: Pairs and Diptychs" (LENSCRATCH, 2022), WANDERING CURVES 2021 (NYC4PA) - JUROR SELECTION, "I Want to Believe" (Rome, Italy, 2023, organized by LoosenArt), Trieste Photo Days festival 2023 (Italy), "GRAYSCALE”, "NOCTURNAL", "STORYTELLER", "SQUARE II", "BLACK AND WHITE" (Decode Gallery, Tucson, Arizona, 2023-2024); artworks of Pablo Fanque's Fair are presented in magazines (Shoot It With Film, Fuzz Magazine, Iconic Artist Magazine, NART Magazine and others) and in Editors' selections on fine art photography platforms (Art Limited, STRKNG).
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