TITLE: Feuille de choux
Pour l'auteure, la photographie est d'abord expérimentale. Avec cette feuille de choux, et son aspect froissé et pourtant si bien organisé, la lumière sur fond noir, dévoile tout un réseau de lignes, de structures alvéolaires, avec toute une esthétique aux frontières d'une intelligence. Le choux nous entendrait-t-il ?
For the author, photography is, first, experimental. With this cabbage leaf, and its crumpled and yet so well organized appearance, the light on a black background reveals a whole network of lines, of alveolar structures, with a whole aesthetic bordering on intelligence. Would the cabbage hear us?
AUTHOR: caroline geolle (France)
Caroline Geolle is borned in Provence.
To 1995, she travelled, camera in the hands, from the Rockies mountains to the Australian beaches, from wild rhythms of the New York’s Garage Bands to south of France and the ardent guitars of Gipsies.
Then , she setted up in South of France, near Montpellier.
Autodidact, Caroline Geolle uses the camera such a third eye for a search beyond the appearances, beyond the evidence. She works in the instinct, in the course of her life, exploring different worlds, cultivating the imperfection to warm up the image and free the subject which is reflected there… Relation ship between human and nature, as well as the human nature, are subjects in the heart of her work.
In 2013, Caroline Geolle funded Photographes Itinérants, to organise photos workshops, some précious moments to invite each participant to express their originality.
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