TITLE: Origins
A section of stained glass on an old dirty widow provided this abstract opportunity.
AUTHOR: George Meier (Canada)
I am a retired Minister in The United Church of Canada and live in the mountains of rural southeastern British Columbia with my wife, Rev Dr. Therese DesCamp. I have two children and three grandchildren in the United States. My journey began in New Jersey, college at Washington & Lee University and Dickinson School of Law. Portland, Oregon became home in 1970 where I practice law as a business litigator for 18 years. Social justice has been one of my passions. My social justice work led to entering seminary at Pacific School of Religion. I moved to British Columbia in 2008 and affiliated with The United Church of Canada.
The pandemic afforded a time to refocus on digital photography, particularly black and white. My photography has been guided by a line from Norman Maclean’s book, "A River Runs Through It", in which a character states: “All there is to thinking . . . is seeing something noticeable which makes you see something you weren’t noticing which makes you see something that isn’t even visible.” My work seeks to offer a passageway to seeing something that isn't even visible. My photagraphy has appeared in "The Sun Magazine".
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