TITLE: Who Am I Really?
Who am I really I ask myself as I travel on Flight #4787 en route to Berlin in 1990; or when I gaze at my shadow on the tracks along Lake Ontario; or when I see my reflection in a shattered window on route #59; or when I'm with a long ago lover in Penny Arcade photo booth; or when I'm traveling by train through post communist Eastern Europe looking at my I.D. photo that was once affixed to my refugee papers; circa 1946; or when I'm looking at the map of the topography that I come from; or when I finally arrive in Czernowitz, my legendary native city & gaze in wonder at my shadow cast against an ancient wall; or when I gaze at my self portrait at age 70 and I ask myself, who am I, How did I get here?
AUTHOR: Sylvia de Swaan (United States)
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