TITLE: Cameo
I became matter of my own being: I became a “Cameo” to be relief of bliss and beauty. Engraving in a ground that limited and makes me beautiful. But an emotion trap detached me from my certainly. I fell and now the loneliness, full of fracture, welcomes and sinks me.
AUTHOR: Paola Tornambè (Italy)
Rome (1982). Photographer and writer.
Several italian and international websites and magazines published her artworks: Fotografia Moderna, Artonweb, Artisti del Mare, Bagzine, F - Stop Magazine, Shots Magazine.
She won “Conceptual Artist 2018” webartexpo of Grifio Art Gallery.
She collaborates with many portals and magazine, including Latitudine X, and she is inserted in the book “Essenza di un’isola”, published by IO Donna.
With her works she has participated in various exhibitions, including collective exhibitions “Odissea nell’Arte”, seventh edition at MuVi of Rome; personal exhibition “Nel grembo, acqua”, 14 - 31 July 2019 in Cefalù (Pa); personal exhibition “Parti di Invisibile”, 28 September - 4 October 2019 at MayDay of Porto Potenza Picena (Mc); international collective exhibit “Cascina Farsetti Art”, 8 - 10 November at Palazzo Velli Expo, Rome; international collective exhibit by Loosenart “About Future”, 6 December 2019 - 2 January 2020 at Millepiani, Rome; collective exhibit at Tevere Art Galley “Il Mostro #14”, 7 - 11 December 2019, Rome; international collective exhibit “The Shadow”, 13 December 2019 - 17 January 2020 at KromArt Gallery, Rome; international exhibition “Cluster Photography & Print” in London, at Ugli Duck, 19 - 23 February 2020.
She is national finalist at MArteLive biennial art 2019, with her project “Cammeo”.
She is inserted in the historical archive of Museum arts and popular traditions of Rome.
She is the author of the blogs: animadeiluoghi.blogspot.com and scorreiltempo.blogspot.com.
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