TITLE: Fragile
My series "Fragile" is a meditation on evanescence, beauty and vulnerability. Organic shapes, contrasted with cold steel and iron tools, bones and veins shining through human skin... The pictures of this series respire fragility, but also (and foremost) beauty. As such, they inspire reflections about infiniteness, and encourage us to grasp the moment and embrace life.
AUTHOR: Philipp Zechner (Germany)
I am a photographer interested in urbanity, man-made objects and the seemingly ordinary. My works have been displayed in galleries in Germany and Japan. So far, I have published three books with my photographs:
- "Tokio im Licht der Nacht", Berlin 2008
- "Frankfurter Nächte", Frankfurt 2013
- "Tokyo Radiant", Ludwigshafen 2016
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