TITLE: The hand of the monkey
Originally there was the hand of the ape...and suddenly, its deep desire to leave a trace, to wave to eternity, to become something else..."human".
In the darkness of caves, prehistoric men and women would place their hands on rock walls... My creative process is a return to these roots. Paper is my blank medium, my lab is my darkness, my hand is that primal object used to create, to perform a highly symbolic act.
To come back to origins, to the simplicity of the gesture, to the experimental approach. To take time, compose with elements. To start a dialogue between one's story and History, back and forth between ape and man, between visible and invisible.
In the beginning of photography was photogram, in the beginning of man's representative art was print. Positive or negative does not matter, to reverse the technique creates a mirror game.
AUTHOR: Myriam Ramousse (France)
A graduate of the Toulouse ETPA. Lives and works in Montauban
Selection : Manifesto / Photographic Limousin/ Traverse Vidéo/
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