TITLE: The magic of the night
I went to Seiser Alm plateau, in South Tirol, in July 2016 to take some shots to the milky way. After a beautiful foggy sunset. At about 11:30 pm the moon arose on the left of Langkofel peak and illuminated all the valley full of fog. The darkness of the night can give us magic moments.
AUTHOR: Isabella Tabacchi (Italy)
Born in 1992, I'm a professional landscape photographer based in the north of Italy.
I've always had a sensibility for natural enviroments and photography came in my life suddenly; a huge passion exploded in my heart.
I explored and studied the boundless sceneries in the Alps and I'm going to discover the rest of the World.
The shots I take with my camera become images after post processing phase, in which I enphasize the strong elements of my landscape and I put in it the emotions I felt.
My works were exhibited in Rome and Athens and published in online and paper magazines like Landscape Photography Magazine, National Geographic, Practical Photography and Digital Photo SLR UK.
In 2017 I won the second prize and five honorable mentions in the Professional Landscapes category of the Monochrome Awards 2016.
I won also two honorable mentions in the International Photographer of the Year awards (IPA) and my pictures were published in the Outdoor Photographer of the Year (OPOTY) Annual Book 2016 ("The magic of the night" is the cover).
In April of the same year I won the first prize and three nominees in the Professional Landscapes category of the 3rd Fine Art Photography Awards.
Photographer of the Year 2016 at La Grande Photo Awards.
I'm member of two of the most important italian photographer associations : Tau Visual and AFNI (Italian nature photographers association).
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