TITLE: ROBERT - The Christian
To be a photographer is like having a pass to capture other people’s secrets. My first idea was to photograph myself and twelve strangers that I would find through the Internet.
These strangers, would be free to choose a time and place to be photographed. They could express themselves as they wished, and could be anonymous, or not.
I asked the strangers to look at the camera as if a mirror. Then, I asked to write down a few words.
"As you can see I haven' t got the perfect body. When I was 12 y/o I had to be circumcised for medical reasons, which led me to be severely bullied by the people in my class at school.
It was mainly the girls in the class who did the bullying; just at the time that I was starting to notice girls.
This led me to think that I was no good and too ugly to have agirlfriend.
Thankfully I now i have a lovely wife, who reassures me.
Recently I decided I needed to do something radical, to tell the memories of those times when I was bullied where to go. You can either like me or clear off.I am Christian, and it is good to see human form as God made us, and as apiece of Art".
AUTHOR: Loredana Denicola (United Kingdom)
I am a photographer based in London. My focus is on social documentary and portraiture, and seek to explore the relationship between me & myself and the subject & photographer.
Since 2014 I use photography as a tool for my personal evolution which began with the discovery of my unhelpful habits of mind & belief and then comprehension, de - construction and re-construction using intuitively my work as a powerful means of self-analysis, creating dialogues between myself and others.
My first project ‘I Am Your Mirror’ represents clearly this process in which, establishing an intimate connection with strangers I employ Photography as a mirror to reveal some of repressing feelings of both parts involved (the stranger & the photographer).
The result? An attack to the Identity’s concept. Do we like what we see?
The aim of my work is to invite people to question themselves. Even to find answers.
Can the mind free itself from habits it has cultivated, from unhelpful opinions, judgments, attitudes and values?
Do you love yourself?
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