TITLE: encuentros
There is no single English word that can be used to translate the Spanish word encuentro. I considered using encounter and intersection, but neither fully contain the meaning. I had been trying to pinpoint exactly what they were missing, and as I was walking, looking at trees, it came to me. They lack a reference to “finding” in a deeper emotional sense. This series is about that deeper emotional sense of the word.
Coinciding at a point in space, these trees blend into and find themselves and each other.
AUTHOR: Carla Tomassini (United States)
Carla Tomassini was born in Puerto Rico and currently lives in Brooklyn, NY. Her photographs deal with the geometry of space; the interplay of light, shadows, and reflections; and the juxtaposition of textures. With her unique point of view, Carla captures a hidden dimension in urban and natural landscapes
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