TITLE: A Day of The Knife Grinder
A day of the knife grinder
Every day, while working in a factory for years, I used to pass through the closed doors. One morning I saw these doors being open and I dared to enter.
AUTHOR: Stasys Povilaitis (Lithuania)
I'm a Member of Lithuanian Union of Art Photographers. Creation was presented in photo magazines: Photography (Lithuania), Foto&Video (Russia), Pozityv (Poland), Vyzdys (Lithuania). Also my works were published in chronicle of Lithuanian Photographers called Lithuanian Photography: Yesterday and Today, Lithuania in Action. Lithuanian Press Photography.
In 2002 published book Photographs.
In 2010 published book Aberration.
Lithuanian Press Photography contest, Entertainment category winner in 2008.
I am Photographer contest, The Best Photograph of Animals category WPPB 2012.
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