TITLE: Biebrza National Park - Fine Art/ Motherhood - Portrait
Fine Art - picture was taken in Biebrza National Park in Poland at sunrise. This is the most beautiful part of the day. Of my life.
Born in 1977 in Oswiecim, Poland. In 2010 obtain BA of Arts in Photography from Lodz Film School.
Deals with photography as hobby and amateur in her free time.
She is interested in nature photography. Specializes in analogue photography specially black and white photography and darkroom processing.
Awarded as finalist or honorable mention in national and international photography competitions such as IPA 2017, 2018; MonoVisions Photography Award 2017, 2018; Monochrome Photo Awrds 2017, 2018; Neutral Density 2017, 2018; Photographer’s Forum’s 37th Annual Spring Photography Contest or National Geographic Poland “Photography mornings”.
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