TITLE: The Gift of Sight
This series of images provides a personal perspective on the experience of eye sight. It aims to present the difficulty of sight; the images processed in black and white, to signify the problem of comprehending and accepting a world bathed in an overwhelming array of colour. The work also considers the emotional differences between darkness and light. Each image has been captured at night. The camera, and its powerful sensor, has been used to bring light into a world otherwise engulfed by darkness. Ultimately, these images and their accompanying text, aim to question the gift of sight.
AUTHOR: Danny Day (United Kingdom)
Danny Day is a fine art documentary photographer who uses his camera to question the meaning and purpose of sight. He lost sight in one eye as a child, and in his 20's was to have the same eye removed. Now he is left with one, short sighted eye. However, he chooses to embrace this impairment, and recognises the benefits of being able to see the world through one eye. He finds difficulty with colour, perceiving it as an overwhelming force on his vision, this is reflected in his style; high contrast black and white images.
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